Conversation Automation


Create intents to instantaly categorize your employees questions. Get a headstart with Auxi's intent library or build intents specific for your support use cases without engaging professional services.

Create intents to instantaly categorize your employees questions. Get a headstart with Auxi's intent library or build intents specific for your support use cases without engaging professional services.

Intents make accurate and instant personalized support happen

Generative AI

Generative AI

Employee history

Employee history

Build on your own

Build on your own

Generative AI 

Harness the power of AI to generate intents automatically. Benefit from scalability and efficiency in creating intents for various use cases, reducing manual effort and ensuring comprehensive coverage. This is the quickest and most comprehensive approach to building intents.

24/7 employee support

Employee history

Leverage valuable employee data to build intents. Analyze historical support interactions to identify common patterns, improving intent creation and enhancing the accuracy of automated workflows. The advantage of using history allows you to be specific and relevant to your employees' phrases and inquiry history.

Build on your own

Take full control by adding phrases to create intents. Tailor intents precisely to your business needs, ensuring accuracy and alignment with specific support scenarios. This process is simple and can be iterative over time. Start simple and continue to build out phrases and keywords at your pace.

Elevate your customer support without breaking the bank

Automate and scale your customer support